Monday, May 4, 2009

Future Soldiers Meeting

Well, as promised here is the post about my first future soldiers meeting!

I woke-up about 8:30am on Saturday morning and had to be across town by 9:00am. Lets just say I'm not the best morning person! I managed to get there on time and a little early and I was excited not to be the last one there. There was eight of us total. We all car pooled to the school that was just down the street. There was an old lady in an electric wheel chair that wasn't paying any attention and pulled out right in front of the traffic, she almost got hit five times!!! We got to the school with everyone in one piece went to the soccer field. They briefed us on hazards (from all the rain we had the day/night before, and we all walked around the field to find any possible dangerous spots! We played ultimate Frisbee. Those that know me realize that I'm not a sports kind of girl but I was really proud of myself for doing okay. They gave us time to warm-up (it was really cold and windy outside) and get used to the Frisbees'. My team got put with a loser because it probably took me fifteen minutes to be able to actually catch and throw the Frisbee. After warming-up they made us girls the team captains (there were only two of us and 10 guys (counting the recruiters because they played too)). We played three games my team only won once! :( It turned out to be a pretty dangerous game; the grounds were still wet and everyone slid and fell, the other girl got hit in the head by the Frisbee and had a giant welt afterward, another kid slid into the knee of one of the other players, and someone twisted their ankle but somehow everyone managed to stay in one piece. I actually got the Frisbee twice and managed to throw it and someone actually caught it (that was on my team), I was pretty proud of myself; usually if something is coming towards me I duck away. It was definitely a work-out. I hadn't done so much cardio in a long while but I managed to do really well!!!

After playing our three games of ultimate Frisbee we headed back to the recruiting station for a lesson!!! It was map reading. Something that most people know I could use a lot of! I actually did really well and was proud of myself! I still couldn't tell you which direction is North but I know the coordinates and if I was working on someone in the woods I could tell the rest of my squad where I was!!!

The entire meeting lasted about two and a half hours. I headed home and I was starved!!! My mom and I went to Zio's for lunch (it was Yummy!), and then we moved furniture. Lets just say that I got the biggest work-out on Saturday that I have had in a long while and I woke-up very sore on Sunday morning!! Now that I've had a little exercise I'm ready to get on the horse and get in shape for Basic!!

I will write more soon!!!