Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Other Things Happening

Hey Again,

I wouldn't say I got his support or blessing, probably because I surprised him! I talked to Brandon last night and I didn't get his support but I didn't get his non-support! I would say that it overall went well, I need to work on him a little bit more but before long I will be his army wife!! He's just worried about me finding a hot soldier and breaking up with him, me getting killed, and he doesn't want me to leave him. I reassured him a thousand million times and I'm 99% sure he's beginning to be okay with it. I'm glad I finally got that out of the way, it was a big burden!

The biggest news of the moment is that I'm thinking of going active instead of reserves! My mom isn't real happy about it and I know Brandon wouldn't be either. BUT the benefits are a million times nicer and better than that of reserves. Plus, I almost think that the full-time structure would be better for me rather then the part-time structure!

I have to run to class, but I will write more later!
