Saturday, April 25, 2009

Family Support

Hey Everyone!!

Well...most of my family knows about the decision to join the United States Army. We had a family dinner last night and talked to my Aunt and Uncle, Cousins, and Grandma and Grandpa about my decision!! They had a lot of questions which was to be expected but for the most part they took everything pretty well.

Notice how I said for the most part in the last paragraph?! It got brought up that I am now thinking of going active (even though I have already decided) and lets just say the reactions were not supportive. I got "Oh My God," and several other responses (they weren't good responses either) from the family. I also got into an argument with my Grandma, she was trying to tell me that I didn't know what I was talking about and that I was wrong and blah, blah, blah so I went off on her. I felt bad afterwards but I'm the one that has talked to a recruiter for the last nine months and just because my Grandpa went through it a long time ago doesn't mean they know everything!!!

The night had its good moments and its bad. I still have to break the news to my dads and their families (that is what I am dreading the most).

I will write more soon,